2016 Las Vegas WinnersThe United States boasts some of the worlds greatest golf courses, but it is hard to believe there could be any better "tracks" than those around the Arizona and Nevada area. With some golf courses avoided due to over-seeding and "Cart Path Only", our USA tour commenced in Scottsdale - the US home of such PGA Tour Professionals as - Matt Jones, Geoff Ogilvy, Paul Casey and Aaron Baddeley.

2016 Sunshine Coast Winners

Not surprising with the freezing weather in the Southern States that we received a strong response to attend the 2016 Sunshine Coast Tour in July this year. Beautiful conditions greeted those who entered - except for the final day which was a little windy.

2016 Big Island Winners

It was Men and Women in the same daily competition on the Big Island Extension. It meant that you needed to be consistent over the 3 rounds as each round counted in determining the winner.

Yvonne Murray's (Hcp 27 - 28 from Blackheath G.C.) consistency over the 3 rounds was excellent and saw her win by a clear 6 shots from her nearest contender Patricia Gleeson (Hcp 17 - 19 from Camden G.C.)



Thank you - Thank you - for taking me to these beautiful places !

Everything runs like clockwork

We would never have envisaged playing on these courses without your organisation

I do not believe I could do it privately for the same price! 

I have made lifelong friends through AVGA GOLF





Contact Us

P O Box 1112
Menai, NSW, 2234 Australia

Jan for Flights: (02) 9541 4178

Terry for Golf:  0415 416 197

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