Wonderful weather was enjoyed again from Kauai, Maui and then the Big Island this year...
As always the courses were presented in terrific condition
In the Mens competition the lead changed form Phil Constable (Northern GC) to Bill SInai (Georges River GC)
before an incredible 43 points from Hugh Haslehust-Smith (Castle Hill) at the Hokuala course (formerly
Kauai Lagoons) saw him clear out to lead after three rounds. Hugh's consistent thereafter saw him hold off
a charge by Phil Constable who made up 8 shots on Hugh in the last two rounds.
The Ladies competition was pretty much decided after the first round - with Mary Jane Sanderson (Killara GC)
leading after the first round and going on to win another 3 days outright. Despite this - Elle Goodwin from
Highlands Golf Club finished strongky over the last two rounds to lose by only 2 shots.
Thank you - Thank you - for taking me to these beautiful places !
Everything runs like clockwork
We would never have envisaged playing on these courses without your organisation
I do not believe I could do it privately for the same price!
I have made lifelong friends through AVGA GOLF
P O Box 1112
Menai, NSW, 2234 Australia
Jan for Flights: (02) 9541 4178
Terry for Golf: 0415 416 197
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